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Quoter + ConnectWise

Quoter + ConnectWise Manage

Our quoting software integrates seamlessly with ConnectWise Manage. Significantly reduce your time spent creating and tracking quotes by integrating with your PSA.

VIDEO: Quoter + ConnectWise Integration

Watch our video overview of the Quoter integration with ConnectWise.


ConnectWise Integration Features

When creating a quote, you can search for an existing ConnectWise Contact or create a new one automatically.

You can also pull existing ConnectWise Products into Quoter in real-time.

When a quote is created or updated in Quoter, the ConnectWise Opportunity will be updated with the value of the quote, and the line items in the quote.

Quoter automatically matches your existing Items, or creates new ones if they do not exist.

When a quote is won or lost, Quoter will update the status of the ConnectWise Opportunity according to the mapping settings you configure.

Integrate ConnectWise with your Quoter account

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